Millions of children in India live with the hope that someday someone would extend a hand and help them fulfill their dreams.

Are YOU that SPECIAL SOMEONE who will bring that change in their lives?

Extend a generous hand by simply buying photographs taken by me.

What is 30 on 30?

I turn 30 in April 2009. Completing 30 years is a milestone that deserves to be celebrated differently. Initially, I had plans of taking a month long break and travel across India. However, I'm currently in United States for work and cannot go ahead with that plan. So, I've come up with 30 on 30 - a project that will make my 30th birthday memorable for me and for anyone who participates in this project.

I live with a dream that I will bring a change in my motherland - India. The magnitude of the change is not important for me, what is important is the fact that a change should be initiated. This project gives me the confidence in the fact that I can find ways to bring a change, I can collaborate to bring a change, and I can spread enough word around that makes people think about bringing a change.

(Photo ID : 044)Title : So you are God, Eh!

This is from a trip to Pondicherry, Tamil Nadu, India. The day was Ganesh Chaturthi, with Ganesh Pandals all over the small coastal town of Pondicherry. I spent a few hours at this pandal looking at the arrangements being done and people coming and enjoying a view of the 20ft high Ganesh Murti... This lady spent a few minutes in this pose as if she was questioning God....


  1. Just posted about 30 on 30 on my blog. Heres' wishing you a kickass 30th yr & all the best for this project as well!!!

  2. @ Brocasarea
    thanks !

    @ Vinnie
    Thank you so much Vinnie... getting mentioned on Art n Light is making me feel great !!!

    thank you :)
